Mighty Morphin Power Rangers™ Screen Saver for After Dark™ compatible screen saver engines.
You are about to install the Power Rangers™ screen saver onto your hard disk. After installation, you'll need to follow these instructions to take advantage of your new screen saver.
1. Double-click on the file, "Power Rangers™.sea" to decompress the file to your hard drive.
2. Open System Folder
3. Open Control Panels
4. Drag the file, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers™" (the file you just decompressed) into the folder named "After Dark Files"
5. Choose "After Dark" from under Control Panels
6. Configure the screen saver to your liking
7. Close the After Dark Control Panel
Have fun and enjoy!
If you do not own After Dark, there is a non-commercial, shareware screen saver that allows you to run After Dark modules. It is called Darkside of the Mac and can be found on major electronic services such as America Online. In our tests, we've found it to be extremely stable and easy to use.
For non-commercial personal home use only.
Images and sounds (c)1995 Twentieth Century Fox. All rights reserved.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and all logos, character names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Saban Entertainment, Inc. and Saban International N.V.,
and are registered in some jurisdictions.
Brought to you by your friends at 20th Century Fox in LA, and Digital Café Studios in St. Paul, MN.
Please report problems to mkoenigs@digitalcafe.com
After Dark is a registered trademark of Berkeley Systems, Inc. "Darkside of the Mac" is owned by Tom Dowdy.